Scream for your healing, my babies.
There’s a Full Hunter Moon in Aries rising and raging on October 17, 2024.
The Full Moon will peak at 24 degrees of cardinal fire, and to make things even more incendiary, it will be conjunct Chiron, our main pain point.
This moon is also a supermoon, and in addition to being the biggest and brightest full moon of 2024, it has the capacity to be the busiest and most challenging.
When is the full moon in October 2024?
The Aries Full Supermoon peaks at 7:27am EST on October 17th, but we’ll feel the effects of this eclipse in the days leading up to and following this peak.
Full Moon in Aries 2024
This full moon falls on the Libra/Aries axis or the proverbial me and partner us axis. Libra is about partnership, and Aries is about self. These two signs are respectively ruled by the divine feminine (Venus) and the masculine archetype (Mars).
Libra wants peace at all costs and Aries wants progress at any cost.
The brilliant astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology told The Post that because this full moon will be conjunct Chiron, our astrological source of suffering, the focus will fall on how we were hurt and how, and if, we are choosing to heal.
“The energy of this moon is hard to contain because Aries is ruled by Mars and can easily be swayed by its impulses. This moon is bringing out emotions. Chiron speaks to our wounds, insecurities and moments of betrayal. These challenging feelings can stem from any era of our lives, childhood, or events that started at the beginning of April.”
The full moon reflects not only the actions and intentions initiated during the most recent new moon, but also what we put into practice during the new moon in the corresponding zodiac sign.
In this case, we take ourselves back, as Grim suggested, six months to the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024. Consider the themes presented, the questions raised, the bridges built or burned, the seeds planted and initiated patterns, as you may find them coming to full realization, implosion or cauterization right now.
Aries full moon = trigger warning
The Full Moon in a sign ruled by Mars, in conjunction with our main source of pain, along with the Moon referred to as the Hunter’s Moon, gives new meaning to the term trigger warning.
“People have to deal with very sensitive situations that may or may not be directly related to past traumas,” Grim noted. “In an important relationship, someone might bring up a certain word or a certain topic, and it really triggers difficult memories.”
He notes that because Aries is an impulsive, reactionary energy and Mars, our planet of war, will oppose Pluto, the planet of extremes, during this full moon, caution is required.
“If one chooses not to sit with these more difficult emotions, it can very quickly become a sticky situation where people are projecting their anger onto others. I think almost everyone will have to struggle with someone in their life who is protective or testing.”
What to do if you find yourself locked in conflict? Grimm said that the best we can do is exchange lighted matches for a fist full of grace.
“Just realize again that that person is also going through their own healing journey. It is very important that the 12 signs do not add fuel to the fire.”
And on the bright side of combustion, provocation (Aries) can be the path to resolution (Libra).
“It’s all a means to an end, which is that we’re working through this healing journey with someone else or ourselves, coming to terms with that source of pain and turning it into power.”
Grim recommended approaching all situations with compassion and the goal of acceptance. Because Aries is all about unapologetic individualism, worshiping what you love about yourself while surrendering any lingering body shaming or negative narratives about your appearance is a perfect recipe for tapping into this moon’s medicine.
“Instead of talking about ourselves like, ‘I’m only 1 in 1,000,000,’ think we’re all one of one,” he said. “We’re all gifted, and some of the things we’re aware of are actually what make us incredibly unique.”
Meaning of the Hunter’s Moon
The second full moon after the autumnal equinox is known as the hunter’s moon, sanguine or blood moon. The flow of life force is the common thread between the three.
The name Hunter’s Moon comes from the fall tradition of hunters, both human and animal, seeking out the game that was easiest to spot among freshly harvested fields, sparse trees, and the light of the full moon.
Supermoon 2024 in Aries
“Supermoon” is sexier shorthand for what astrologers call a perigee full moon, where the full moon looks brighter, bolder and better because it’s at its closest point in its orbit to Earth elliptical.
Supermoons exceed the disk size of the average moon by approximately 8% and can appear 16% brighter.
Full moons are about realization and closure. The very shape of the glow is a metaphor for how we culminate, come full circle and/or complete cycles. A supermoon, because of its proximity, increases these effects; more revealing, more feeling, people.
Next full moon
The next full moon is the Beaver in Taurus full moon, which shines bright, bold and bull-horned on November 15, 2024.
Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.
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